What Causes White Dog Poop?

Your dog's poop can tell you a lot about his or her health.  That's why there are 5 qualities of dog poop that we regularly check when we are poop scooping in our clients' yards.  Color is one of them and white dog poop is something we come across with relative frequency these days.  We're moving along, picking up brown dog poop as usual ... when suddenly: a white, chalky deposit!  Where has it come from?  And what does it mean??

white dog poop, dog poop, dog waste, white dog waste, chalky dog poop, chalky white dog poop, discolored dog poop, old dog poop, bleached dog poop

No, it isn't an old poop.  No, it hasn't simply dried up or been bleached by the sun.  So what is the deal here?

The good news is that white dog poop may be a natural and healthy poop.  If you are feeding your dog a high mineral raw food diet then he or she may very likely be producing these chalky, white deposits.  This is because the raw dog food diet contains a greater amount of calcium, meat and bones.  You will still want to keep an eye out, though, as "too much calcium in the diet can also lead to chronic constipation" (LoveToKnow.com.)  

If you suspect that obstipation (serious and obstinate constipation) is becoming the issue then you should talk to your vet.  For daily preventative measures to insure against constipation we suggest taking a look at this article from Healthy Pets.  Exercise, plenty of water, species-appropriate dietary fiber, probiotics and more will help your dog have regular and healthy poops.

white dog poop, dog poop, dog waste, white dog waste, chalky dog poop, chalky white dog poop, discolored dog poop, old dog poop, bleached dog poop

(Licking white dog poop, as Will Farrell is seen about to do here in the movie Step Brothers, will solve absolutely nothing.  We do not recommend it.)

There is a chance that your dog is pooping white because of something unusual that he or she is eating.  If your dog likes to pick in the garbage or get into paper products like paper towels, toilet paper and tissues then this might be the reason for the color change.  Try limiting your dog's access to such items and see if the problem persists.

White specks in your dog's poop are another story entirely.  If you are seeing what looks like white polka dots or rice grains in your dog's poop then those are worms!  These are easily treatable so it's just time to call your vet.

We will cover other colors of dog poop (green, gray, black, etc.) in future blog posts so be sure to stay tuned.

Interview: Mark Thomas of PetNerds, LLC

Thanks to the wonders of social media networking, we have had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of Mark Thomas, founder and owner of PetNerds, LLC.  PetNerds provides "in-your-home" pet sitting and dog walking services in the Southern Bergen County area of New Jersey.  Mark runs the company, which he describes as a "dream come true," with his wife, Patty, and their little Havanese, Buttons (who was the model for their logo.)  We have been especially impressed by PetNerds' passion for exceptional pet care as well as their creative use of technology to improve customer experience.  So, of course, we had to have a chat with Mark!  Read on to learn what we found out about this great New Jersey dog service!

BBS: PetNerds is, as you say, a dream come true.  When did you start PetNerds and what were your goals in doing so?

PetNerds: Being lifelong animal lovers, my wife and I had always thought that working with animals for a living would be both fun and rewarding. While traveling we realized that leaving your pet behind in someone else’s care could be very stressful.

When we started PetNerds in 2010 we did have certain goals in mind. We strive to help our clients feel secure and give them complete peace of mind while they are away. We care for our clients' pets as if they were our own, taking care to follow their owners specific directions and giving them lots of love and attention. After all, they miss their owners too!  Being an animal lover is of course very important but it is only a part of our vision. Our clients trust us to come into their homes and care for their pets… which in our eyes are family members! They expect that we will treat their home and belongings with care and respect and leave it clean and secure when we are finished. Back when we first started many pet sitters were still leaving a hand written note on the counter when they left which of course the client would not see until they came home. We chose to use technology to let clients know in real time how things are going with their pets and their home.

We also wanted to be prepared for life‘s little emergencies should they arise so we are also trained in pet first aid/CPR.

BBS: You can broadcast video of your dog walks and sitter appointments using your smart phones - cool!!  What else can you do, technologically speaking, that sets you apart from other companies?

PetNerds: Yes, people enjoy seeing that their dogs are enjoying themselves while out for a walk or that their kitties are having fun playing! I feel that it’s important to be mentally present while walking someone’s dog. They enjoy the interaction so I don’t want to be walking along constantly looking at my phone (DDW - distracted dog walking) Lol!

When conditions are safe to do so I enjoy shooting a short video for my clients!

Prior to starting PetNerds I worked for many years in customer service and technology so I am very comfortable adapting to new tech trends if I feel it is something that will actually add value for my customers. I can offer advice on things like installing WebCams, making back ups of their pet pictures, gps tracking etc.

Mark with one of his clients, Molly!

Mark with one of his clients, Molly!

BBS: We have something important in common!  BBScoopers is run by three women in the same family and you run PetNerds with your wife.  Talk a little bit about that intersection between family life and work life.

Wow, we do have that in common! Well I guess I don’t have to tell you that running a business requires you to wear many different hats and requires so much of your time. Pet sitting is not a typical 9-to-5 type of operation because clients require pet sitting from early morning until late night if they are working late or are away on a business trip or vacation. Since starting PetNerds my wife has transitioned to more of a back up/support role and helps me occasionally with administrative tasks and she is working on her own career, so yes… we both work long hours!

It’s important to set boundaries and specifically schedule time off occasionally for family.

BBS: We love that your doggo, Buttons, was the model for your logo!  Tell us a little about both Buttons and the idea behind your very inventive logo.

PetNerds: Thank you! Buttons is very special to us! Well, we had to say a tearful goodbye to our 14-year-old Jack Russell when she went to the rainbow bridge. After some time had passed we began looking around for the right dog for our little family. It took quite some time but eventually we discovered Buttons and felt that she was “the one” and that we should try to adopt her. Out of the many applications that were submitted they chose us!

Not long after that when we were thinking about starting our business we realized that the addition of Buttons to our family and starting a new business venture were both new beginnings for us and we wanted to somehow incorporate Buttons into our business. We couldn’t think of a better way than have her be our logo! As far as the design of the logo I give total credit to my wife… she spent countless hours sketching out different designs on a notepad until she came up with the one that you currently see!

And since that time we have adopted another dog...Murphy! So who knows...we may one day have to revisit our logo!





BBS: Going hand in hand with technology, you are also a savvy user of social media.  With so many different applications coming and going, how do you decide which platforms to use for your business? 

PetNerds: You are correct… There are so many apps coming and going it’s hard to keep track of them all! I concentrate mainly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. These are the apps that many of my clients use and it’s fun to interact with them especially when they see pictures of their pets! I find Instagram especially useful for networking with other pet professionals like yourself.

BBS: Give us a run down of your most popular services and how you strive to be the best service provider in those areas.

PetNerds: I would say that I have two services that are the most popular with our customers. The first one would be our basic visit which ranges from 20 to 30 minutes. This is mainly for during the day when people are at work or out running errands and need to have their pooch either let out in their completely enclosed yard or walked. It is also for cats, birds, fish, reptiles or any other small animals.

Our other really popular service is our vacation package. It includes several visits per day. It also includes the benefits of watering of house plants, bringing in mail/newspapers, opening and closing blinds and alternating lights so that it looks like someone is home.

Another added benefit for all of our clients that provide us with keys to their home is the ability to let them in should they ever lock themselves out of their house! I’ve had late night requests for this and it was great to be able to help. PetNerds to the rescue! Haha!

We are happy to add PetNerds, LLC to our "Friends" page and very much look forward to watching their continued growth and success unfold!  If you'd like to learn more or connect with Mark please use this contact page.

Is Your Backyard Safe For Your Dog?

Having a pet dog is awesome. There’s nothing like the love and fun you get from your furry friend.  And the unconditional love and excitement they show when you come home is worth any hassle. That’s why you take good care of your dog.

But is your backyard safe? Too many times, you hear stories about dogs who escape under a fence or get sick from a toxic plant. That’s why you need to inspect your backyard (or any part of your yard that’s fenced in). Before you can make sure things are safe, though, it pays to know what kind of problems to look for.

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Common Backyard Problems

By far, the biggest problem here is your fence. As Fence Authority explains, there are several ways your fence might not be good for your dog. Open-style fences can let dogs climb over it, while damage such as a missing board can give just enough space for your pet to squeeze through. The same is true for gaps under the fence. (Note that many dogs can get through gaps you might think too small for them.)

Although not common, there can be plants in your backyard toxic to your dog. Flowers like foxglove and crocus can make your dog very sick. You should also look around for any nests of bees or wasps, as dogs can easily be allergic to their stings.

dog poop, pet waste removal, poop scooping, pooper scooper, pet waste removal, backyard safety, toxic plants, picking up dog poop, dog poop clean up, dog poop pickup service, pet waste solutions, pet safety, dog health, dog safety

You also have to be careful with how long you let your dog play in the yard. Dogs need some time to run around outside, but leaving them out for too long means you can miss your dog’s needs. Remember that dogs run in packs. Since you’re the owner, you and your family are the pet’s pack. They need to spend time with you, so don’t think spending hours and hours in the yard is a good thing.

Protecting Your Dog

You’ve looked around your backyard and noticed a few problems. What should you do about them?

Notes From A Dog Walker explains that you can make a fence more secure by adding some landscaping. If your dog is a jumper or climber, put down some shrubs and bushes along the inside of the fence. This blocks your dog from escaping this way. If you have a chain-link fence, buy some bamboo rolls or slats to cover up the chains. Not only will this help stop your dog from getting through the fence, it looks great and gives some more privacy to your yard.

When it comes to plants, you can always pull toxic flowers. But as you try to keep your yard bright and green, skip the pesticides and weed killers. Both contain poison that can sit on the surface of grass and plants for days. If your dog licks either, they could get sick. And if you grow a garden, put a barrier around it. Onions, tomatoes, and chives can hurt your pet.

When To Hire A Contractor

At some point, you may have to give up trying to patch that old fence and get a new one installed. That’s especially true if you have an aggressive dog that likes to dig or charge. As strangers and animals move around just beyond the fence, your dog can turn a small gap into an escape route.

To take down and install a new chain-link fence in Newark, NJ, HomeAdvisor estimates the costs to be between $1,115 - $2,892 and will take around two days. A contractor can also repair or reinforce your fence as needed.

dog waste removal services, pooper scooper business, dog poop services, yard safety, fence installation, dog safety, dog healthy, backyard safety, dog in yard, keeping dog in backyard

Protect Your Dog

Letting your dog use the backyard is more than just convenient. It’s a great way to give your dog some exercise and fun. But you still need to keep your backyard safe. Make sure your fence is secure and replace it if not. Then remove any toxic plants and skip the chemicals for your lawn. This will help your pet dog stay healthy and happy.

Cindy Aldridge is passionate about dogs and pets and loves sharing her thoughts and insights on being a responsible dog owner. 

It helps to have support in the effort to keep your yard safe!  The Pooper Scooper that regularly visits your yard from Big Business Scoopers will also keep an eye out for any potential problems in your yard that could pose a threat to the health and safety of your dog.  Every Scooper is trained to report anything potentially hazardous back to our office so that we can contact you immediately.

Holidays Are Better Together: Travel Safely With Your Dog

Holidays are for spending time with family and friends—whether they have two legs or four.  For those of us living with canine companions, traveling for the holidays can pose extra challenges—but it’s nothing you can’t handle with a little planning and preparation.  Read on to travel more smoothly, safely and comfortably with your dog.

Decide if your dog will stay or go
Before you book pet-friendly accommodations, decide whether traveling with your dog is the right choice for your family and your dog.  Taking an 8-hour road trip with a pet that gets carsick after a 10-minute ride to the dog park may not be the wisest option.  And if your dog is fearful of new places, people or other pets, it may be best for them to stay behind with a trusted sitter or boarding kennel.  But, if your dog is an eager explorer and frequent travel companion, there are a few precautions you can take to help ensure everyone has an enjoyable time away.

dog travel, dog transport, dog hotels, pet-friendly accommodations, traveling with a dog, pet-friendly hotel, traveling for the holidays, boarding kennel, 

Start with your destination in mind
Many hotels, lodges, B&Bs and campsites are happy to accept pets (often with a security deposit), but it is important to read and understand your accommodation’s pet policy before you make your reservation.  This is especially true if you choose to stay with friends or family.  Talk with your host before finalizing your travel plans to make sure they are willing to house both you and your dog.  If there is any hesitation, offer to stay at a nearby pet-friendly hotel or B&B, or consider leaving your dog at home with a trusted sitter or boarding kennel.

Determine how you will you get there
When traveling by car, look over your route ahead of time so you can plan frequent exercise and bathroom breaks.  To help minimize carsickness, feed your dog at least three to four hours before you head out.  Then give them plenty of time to use the bathroom one last time before you get in the car. If your dog gets nauseous or anxious during long car trips, you can discuss anti-nausea or anti-anxiety medications with your veterinarian.  To help your pet with anxiety, there are also calming aids available—including wraps, collars, sprays, diffusers and supplements.

Once the car is all loaded up and you’re ready to head out, there are some important guidelines to remember.  Dogs should never be allowed ride loose in the open bed of a truck.  Even when traveling in a closed car, truck or sports utility vehicle, securing your dog in a crate will be safer for them and you.  Keep the car well-ventilated and at a comfortable temperature.  When you need to stop, never leave your dog in a closed car, no matter what the weather is like.  For more car travel tips with your pet, check out this article.

dog travel, dog transport, dog hotels, pet-friendly accommodations, traveling with a dog, pet-friendly hotel, traveling for the holidays, boarding kennel, pet policies, 

For air travel, check with the specific airline about travel requirements for pets (a good starting point is the Federal Aviation Administration’s website) and book your dog’s flight at the same time you book yours.  The airline may have limits on the number of animals that can ride on any given plane and whether animals can ride in the cargo hold versus in the cabin.  And for dogs that are too big to ride in the cabin, the airline may restrict travel during certain times a year, especially if temperatures are expected to exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit or fall below 45 degrees Fahrenheit.  For domestic flights, airlines may require a veterinarian-issued health certificate dated within 10 days of travel.  International travel may involve additional documents and vaccinations depending on your destination.  Purchase an airline-approved crate that’s large enough for your pet to stand, sit and turn around in.  Mark the crate with “Live Animal” plus your contact information and a photo of your pet and attach two dishes (one for food and one for water) to the inside of the kennel door.

Some trains, buses and boats allow pets, though options are fairly limited.  Research rail and bus company policies before booking tickets, or consider traveling by car or plane instead. 

Pack your dog’s travel bag
Make sure you have plenty of the essentials: your dog’s usual food and treats, a water bottle, travel bowls for food and water, a leash and collar/harness, toys, familiar blanket and/or bed, grooming supplies, any necessary medications and clean-up bags.  Above all, make sure you have plenty of water. (Some dogs may experience stomach discomfort if they drink water they are not used to.)  Hand wipes and a towel are also helpful for cleaning dirty hands and paws.  Other useful travel items include your dog’s current rabies tag or a copy of a vaccine records (which may be required for air travel or crossing state/international borders); contact information for your primary care veterinarian; a first aid kit and copies of their most recent veterinary visit and pertinent test results, if your dog has any ongoing medical issues.

Keep your dog safe in transit and at your destination
Always walk your dog on a leash and have identification for your dog when you travel.  Identification can be in the form of a tag on their collar or harness (that includes your dog’s name and your contact information), a combination of a tag and a microchip under the skin, or ideally a combination of an ID tag, a microchip and a recent picture of your dog.


Earn your welcome
Once you reach your destination, double check the pet policy where you’re staying and ask about preferred locations for walks and bathroom breaks.  Always clean up after your dog and bin your clean-up bags once they’ve served their purpose.  Don’t leave your dog loose and unattended in your room; if you need to leave your dog alone, place him in his travel crate to prevent any damage to the room and to help your pet feel safe and secure.  Remember, even the best behaved dog can get into mischief in a new environment.  Be courteous to other guests and your hosts so that you and your dog will be welcome back for years to come.

For additional information about traveling with your dog, talk to your veterinarian.  Pets are creatures of habit, so they may need some more time to get acquainted to the idea of traveling.  Rushing to get out the door can leave pets feeling anxious and confused, so make sure to allow more time (packing up the car, getting to the airport, etc.) than if you were traveling alone.  If you follow these steps and make sure you have everything you and your dog needs, you can both have a safe, comfortable, enjoyable trip.

If you plan to travel without your pet, read about how to find a pet sitter and how to keep your pets safe while you're away.

Shop for pet travel supplies on petco.com

Shop our Holiday must-haves

Disclaimer: Big Business Scoopers received permission from a content marketing representative of Ghergich & Co. to republish this blog post.  Read the article, originally written and published by Lisa Weeth, DVM, MRCVS on December 13, 2016, on Petco's Community Page here.

Preparing for Winter Walks with Your Dog

Just as you're beginning to recover from your Halloween candy hangover you realize ... now it's November!  Thanksgiving and seasonal holidays are just around the corner.  And there is, after this year's Indian Summer, finally a reason to turn up the heat and stoke the fire in your fireplace.  It's easy to get swept away in all the chores, planning, shopping, cooking, decorating and parties that we have ahead of us in the coming months.  But as time goes on, the weather will very quickly turn colder and the snow will come.  Lucy Wyndham of Smart Dog Owners has kindly sent us a few quick tips for keeping you and your doggo safe, happy and healthy this coming winter:

"If you live in a place with noticeable seasons, then you’ve probably felt the chill creeping in during your morning and evening dog walks already.  Fall is truly under way, and winter is just around the corner.  Whether this is your first winter with a dog or you’re a seasoned owner, it’s a great idea to make sure that both you and your four-legged friend are prepared for the changing seasons. After all, not every dog is bred to deal with sub-zero temperatures, but every dog still needs their daily walkies to stay happy and healthy.

Photo by Pierre Fontaine on Unsplash

Exactly how you need to prepare will depend on the age, size, and breed of your dog. An adult husky will thrive in the cold, but an elderly pug will need extra protection and warmth.

  • Get a cosy waterproof coat to help keep your dog warm and dry. Wet or icy buildup on fur can cause hypothermia and frostbite.
  • Make sure paws are protected too, with dog-sized booties or wax-based protective balms. Pads can easily become chilly and sore in the winter, so check them carefully after each walk.
  • Be safe and be seen in lower light levels, with high-vis or light-up accessories.
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Above all, pay close attention to your dog - both to prevent any accidents, and to quickly notice behavioural changes which could indicate they’re not feeling too great. For more ideas and guidance, check out this handy guide."

And another quick reminder from us at Big Business Scoopers: your dog doesn't stop pooping in the winter or in the snow.  So we don't stop poop scooping!  Contact us today to schedule a free estimate and learn more about our poop scoop service.

Best Dog Food Guide for a Safe and Healthy Dog

Here at Big Business Scoopers we are primarily concerned with what comes OUT of your dog, not what goes INTO your dog.  But the two are inextricably related.  And our Scoopers, unfortunately, have witnessed some very unhealthy things coming out of dogs over the years.  Anytime we see something unusual, we call the customer right away so that they can address any health concerns that might be the cause.  It is true that many factors contribute to the relative good or poor health of a dog and his digestive system but none are as crucial as the food that goes into his belly.

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But, again, we deal with what comes OUT of your dog, not what goes in.  And while we'd love to be able to help in all areas of our dog customers' health, we just don't always have the time.  That's why we were so pleased to be approached by Reviews.com and informed that they very recently (in the past couple months) embarked on an impressively thorough investigation of top dog food brands in an effort to educate dog owners about the best choices out there.  They've done what we wish we could do for you!  So we are happy to pass it along:


It's all about quality ingredients : Best Food for a Safe and Healthy Dog

Some astonishing facts are in this resource.  Did you know that 70% of dog owners admit that they don't know all of the ingredients in their dogs' food?  Are you one of them??  Reviews.com invested over 1,400 hours of research in this resource, built a list of over 11,000 sources in the dog food industry, surveyed 300 dog owners about their purchasing habits and more.  They have broken all this research down into one very digestible guide that we would be happy to share with any dog owner who comes to us with a question about quality dog food ingredients.

What bad ingredients make dog food unsafe and unhealthy?  What manufacturing processes should concern pet owners?  How do different types of dog food (wet, dry, raw, etc.) compare to one another?  Is it necessary to buy according to dog breed?  And did your dogs' food make the cut?

If you find this resource informative, helpful or interesting, please pass it along as we have.  Dogs make the world such a wonderful place and they deserve every good treatment in return!

In the Dog House: Home Buying for Pet Owners

Do you treat your pets like family? If so, then you're in good company.  Millions of Americans see no difference between kids of the two and four-legged varieties.  That's okay; everyone deserves a loving home.  But you'll need a little more than love if you're in the market for a new residence.  You'll also need to know what to look for and what to look out for.  Here are some tips for finding a house that will please your pooch as much as it does you.

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Scout Out the Area

Communities’ feelings towards pets differ like night and day.  Some welcome canines with open arms. Others condition their acceptance on your dog's size, breed, and even temperament.  Some ban animals altogether. Here are some things to ask:

●      Does the city and/or county have rules about the number of dogs you can own, how you must keep them, or where they may roam?  Some localities allow dogs in fenced yards but not chained to a post.  Others require you to walk Rover on a leash and pick up his poop.  Many rural communities let folks do as they please towards their canine companions.

●      Will you answer to a homeowners association (HOA)?  If so, what do its bylaws say about pets?  If you've never dealt with an HOA before, then you should know that they can make your life miserable if you provoke their wrath.  So read the fine print and make sure you're okay with the covenants before you commit yourself.

●      Does the area have a pet store, dog park, vet office, groomer, pet sitter, pooper scooper and other resources you'll need?  If so, do these facilities meet your standards?  It's especially important to pick a good vet.  Your dog's life might depend on it.

A Bit About Barking

All dogs bark.  Not all human beings love this fact.  Some people will go to great lengths to make sure they never hear a bark, growl, or yap ever again.  Remember this if your dog is fond of self-expression.  Even the most lax local rules still have provisions for so-called "nuisance noise," which includes barking.

It's best to walk your dog around a prospective neighborhood to see how she reacts to the area.  This is especially important if your potential neighbors have dogs of their own.  Dogs, like people, may or may not get along with each other.  Your pet may have gone through life barely making a peep before she met the person who lives one yard over.  Now she's got a lot to say and she could care less who hears it.  It's happened before; don't let it happen to you.

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Making Fido Feel at Home

Settling into new surroundings is a big change for everyone involved.  So it's only natural if your dog takes a while to get used to your updated digs.  Here's how you can help her adjust:

●      Lots of pets are phobic about luggage.  They see you break out the suitcases and they know change is on the way.  Minimize the effect this has on your dog by unpacking items when she's not looking.

●      Keep old habits in place.  Maintain her traditional feeding and play times as much as possible.  This will give her much-needed consistency.

●      Show her you love her.  Dogs crave companionship and affection. This is what makes them such wonderful friends.

Moving is a challenge for humans and dogs alike.  Following the tips in this post, however, will help to ensure that everyone is happy in your new home.

This guest post was written by Cindy Aldridge of OurDogFriends.org.

How Much Does a Pooper Scooper Service Cost?

When I tell people about the pooper scooper business my mother and I own and operate I know to prepare for an interesting reaction.  One of the most common of these is, "Wow!  People actually pay for that?"  And while I have a string of explanations as to why people do, yes, pay for dog waste removal services, the most obvious answer is quite simple: poop scooping service prices are incredibly, surprisingly reasonable.

Poop scooping services are surprisingly reasonable; pooper scooper service prices; pet waste removal prices

As of today, the pooper scooper service cost for the average Big Business Scoopers customer is just $16 per week.  Our pooper scooper service prices start at $12.  And over 30% of our current customers pay that base price or the original base price of $10 per service.  (We believe in a grandfather policy for our long time customers as a gesture of our gratitude for their business.  Our customers always come first.)

How do we calculate our pet waste removal prices?  It's simple.  All small yards with one dog are $12 per weekly visit, $18 per every other weekly visit (a 25% savings) and $34 per monthly visit (a 30% savings.)  Each additional dog is an extra $3 and the starting price may be nominally increased based on the size of your yard.  Are you not sure if your yard is "small" or what frequency of poop scooping service is right for you?  Contact us and we'll come out to give you a free estimate.  And we'll be available to answer all of your questions about how the service works, what schedule we can recommend and more.

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What are you purchasing when you schedule regular dog poop services?  

  • The value of the time it takes to scoop dog poop on your own. What is your time worth to you?

  • A professional eye observing your dog's poop on a regular basis and reporting back to you any irregularities. This is another line of defense against any health issues arising.

  • A generally cleaner yard. We don't pick up only dog poop. We pick up deer poop, tiny bits of trash, any small deceased animals, etc.

  • A generally safer yard. In addition to reporting irregularities in the condition of your dog's poop we also report anything else unusual: problems with your gate or fence, new holes dug in the yard, items you may have lost outside (watches, electronics, etc.)

  • For $5 per service we also take the poop away so you can forget it was ever there!

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So for a starting weekly price that is less than what the average American spends weekly on coffee you can take the dirtiest chore off your list of household items to do!  What are you waiting for?

Getting a Puppy for the First Time? Warning: They Poop A LOT!

You've been planning this for months, maybe years, and now it is finally time.  You're bringing home a new puppy!  You've double checked your new puppy checklist and you're certain that you're ready.  Your home is stocked with all the best dog essentials and you have the contact information for the best dog services programmed into your phone: a trainer, groomer, sitter, walker and a top notch veterinarian.  "Puppy preparation" might as well be your middle name!  Just check out that cabinet dedicated solely to food.  Because you've heard how much puppies can eat.

Bringing home a new puppy is so much fun!  Don't forget, though, about how much they can poop!

Puppies can eat A LOT.  And that means that puppies poop A LOT.  We're talking piles upon piles of puppy poop.  We're talking your yard is about to turn into a game of minesweeper!

Perhaps you've prepared for that, too.  You've bought hundreds of dog bags.  Maybe you've even bought a pooper scooper rake.  But you find that you don't have the time to clean up a yard of dog poop.  Or you let it go for too long and the minesweeper game just became challenger level.  Or the bending over isn't easy on your sore back.  Or you just find it intolerably disgusting.  Or your yard is large and it takes longer than usual to find all the poop.  Whatever the issue is you might quickly find that picking up dog poop was a challenging part of first time dog ownership that you weren't expecting!

Your dog can and will poop everywhere!

Good thing there's help!  Poop scooping companies like Big Business Scoopers can come to your rescue!  We pick up the poop so you don't have to.  We bag and double bag the poop so you can forget it ever existed.  We come on a regular schedule.  We give extra loving attention to your new puppy if he's outside.  Belly rubs!  Ball tosses!  We are attentive to any changes in your dog's poop so we can communicate what that change might mean for the health of your dog.  We are reliable and trusted by our customers.  And best of all ... we are incredibly affordable at services starting at only $12 per week.

Regular poop scooping services are incredibly affordable.  Don't get caught with a yard full of poop!

So do not get caught unprepared!  If you are bringing home a new dog or puppy then you might want to consider hiring a pooper scooper service.  Contact us today with any questions and to set up a free estimate.